The main aim is to distribute these to people in the developing world
Anyone who currently wears glasses or contact lenses will have likely consulted an optometrist to determine their prescription ? that is, if they live in the developed world. In developing nations, many people aren?t afforded the opportunity to see a professional in this field. Thankfully there are alternatives, one of which are the self-adjustable glasses from Eyejusters
The British company is aiming to take low-cost, self-adjustable glasses to developing nations. In order to do so, the team of four have developed an adjustable lens technology called SlideLens. This consists of a pair of lenses which act together to correct an individual?s eyesight. By sliding one of the lenses over the other from left to right, the prescription changes until the world comes into focus.
There are two different types of SlideLens ? positive power (for long-sightedness) and negative power (for short-sightedness). The range of the positive power lenses is from +4.5 to 0 diopters, while the range of the negative power lenses is from 0 to -5.0 diopters. This covers the majority of common cases. The glasses are priced at US$39.95 for the individual buyer, but the main aim is to distribute these to people in the developing world.
No professionals are required in the process of distribution, with anyone who has received basic training able to get involved. After a simple reading test, the type of glasses required by each individual patient is determined. They then choose which color they want, and can adjust the lenses until they?re happy. A repeated reading test ensures an overall improvement in the patient?s eyesight. The whole process can be seen in the video embedded at the bottom of the page.
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via Gizmag -?Dave Parrack
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